Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Volunteer Site Visit

We are visiting 2 volunteers right now and their site is fabulous! It is nestled in the mountains right next to a river and everything is so green and gorgeous. We got to go with them to the local school where they worked with the kids on hand washing and brushing their teeth, it was fun to watch kindergartners brushing their teeth in the school yard. They also have a garden at the school and they teach the kids about eating healthy. We also attended their story hour which 18 kids attended. They read a story in Spanish and then did a little craft activity. The youth development volunteer also teaches 3 teachers English and that was really interesting to watch. I never realized how complicated English is until I saw people trying to learn it. It made me glad that I learned it when I was young. We also got to make fresh squeezed orange juice which was fun...the oranges taste much different here and are usually picked when they are still green so you have to add sugar to the juice. All of the juice here has sugar added, it is very sweet. We are now on our way to a waterfall to hang out for the day. Honduras is so beautiful and there are so many awesome places to see. Now we just need to master Spanish!

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